Go Social and be Part of Our Online Community
You can help us grow our network of people willing to spread the word and take action for their community. Tweet or feature our content on Facebook. Talk about how our organization can help people in our community and make sure your friends know they can also make a difference just like you.
See our upcoming events and news updates and
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Blog About Us
Read our blogs and share your thoughts and comments. Your words will help generate interest in our programs and inspire others to seek help or get involved.
- Spread the word about how WSC can help you along your search for employment by adding information in your personal blogs. Write about your own experience so other people can learn from it. Link to our homepage from your own website or blog by copy/pasting this html code into your site.
<a href="http://www.workingskillscentre.com" target="_top"> <img src="http://workingskillscentre.com/wp-content/uploads/working-skills-centre-logo-white.png" width="100" height="52" alt="Working Skills Centre - Are You on Track to Employment?" border="0" align="bottom" /> </a>
- Share the stories of people in our programs and encourage someone you know to find out more about how we can help them.
Mentoring / Sharing Your Expertise
Provide career advice, conduct mock interviews or assist us with our curriculum development.
Contact Us today.
Talk to local media
Are you part of one of Toronto’s many ethnic communities? Is there a publication for your friends and family? Can you help us translate our story?